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Budget 2023 – What Indians expect From FM Nirmala Sitharaman?”

union budget 23-24

The Indian Union Budget, which is presented by the Finance Minister in the Parliament every year, is a crucial document that outlines the government’s economic and financial policies for the upcoming fiscal year. The Budget for the year 2023 is set to be presented by the Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman on February 1, 2023. As the country’s economy is still recovering from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, Indians are eagerly waiting for the Budget 2023 to see what measures the government will take to revive the economy and improve the standard of living for its citizens.

One of the major expectations from Budget 2023 is for measures to boost the country’s economic growth. The pandemic has had a severe impact on the Indian economy, and many sectors such as tourism, hospitality, and aviation have been hit hard. The government is expected to announce measures to revive these sectors and create new job opportunities. This could include incentives for businesses, tax breaks, and investments in infrastructure projects.

Another major expectation from Budget 2023 is for measures to improve the standard of living for Indians. The pandemic has highlighted the need for universal healthcare, and the government is expected to announce measures to improve the healthcare system in the country. This could include increased funding for public healthcare, tax breaks for health insurance, and incentives for setting up private hospitals in under-served areas.

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The government is also expected to announce measures to support the agriculture sector, which is a significant contributor to the country’s economy. This could include measures to increase the income of farmers, such as higher prices for their produce and subsidies for inputs like seeds and fertilizers. Additionally, the government is expected to announce measures to improve the availability of credit to farmers, which will help them invest in their farms and increase their productivity.

Another important expectation from Budget 2023 is for measures to support the education sector. The pandemic has highlighted the need for a strong education system, and the government is expected to announce measures to improve the quality of education in the country. This could include increased funding for schools and colleges, tax breaks for educational institutions, and incentives for setting up new schools and colleges.

Another key expectation from Budget 2023 is for changes to the basic exemption limit and income tax slabs. Many Indians are hoping for an increase in the basic exemption limit, which is the amount of income that is tax-free. This would provide relief to individuals and families with lower incomes. Additionally, there is a hope for a rationalization of the income tax slabs, which would provide tax relief to individuals and families with higher incomes.

The government is also expected to announce a new tax regime, which would provide tax benefits to individuals and families who opt for it. This new tax regime could have lower tax rates, but with fewer exemptions and deductions. This would simplify the tax system and make it more transparent. The government is also expected to consider the introduction of a new tax bracket for the super-rich, with a higher tax rate for those with very high incomes.

Another important expectation from Budget 2023 is for measures to encourage financial savings. The government is expected to announce new tax benefits for individuals who invest in savings schemes such as Public Provident Fund (PPF), National Savings Certificate (NSC), and Equity-Linked Saving Scheme (ELSS). Additionally, the government could also consider introducing a new savings scheme that would provide tax benefits to individuals who invest in it.

In conclusion, Budget 2023 is expected to be a crucial document that outlines the government’s economic and financial policies for the upcoming fiscal year. With the country’s economy still recovering from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, Indians are eagerly waiting for the Budget 2023 to see what measures the government will take to revive the economy and improve the standard of living for its citizens. The expectations include measures to boost economic growth, improve the standard of living, support the agriculture sector, education sector, housing sector and also changes in the basic exemption limit, income tax slabs, new tax regime, and financial savings.

also read – 5 Tax savings tips for 2023

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