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Everything related to “TATA Capital Education Loan”

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The pursuit of quality education often requires financial support. Tata Capital Education Loan provides a comprehensive solution for students aspiring to study in India or abroad. This article explores the various aspects of Tata Capital Education Loan, including its benefits, eligibility criteria, required documents, rates and charges, application process, covered expenses, eligible courses, EMI calculation options, loan repayment process, and frequently asked leo.

Benefits of Tata Capital Education Loan :

  • Customized Services: The loan can be tailored to meet specific educational requirements, covering tuition fees, hostel expenses, book costs, and more.
  • Simple Repayment Options: Borrowers have control over the repayment process, with convenient online application and various repayment options.
  • Minimal Paperwork: Tata Capital simplifies the loan process with minimal documentation requirements.
  • Rapid Approval: The loan approval process is quick, requiring only a few essential documents.

Eligibility Criteria Tata capital Education Loan:

  • To be eligible for a Tata Capital Education Loan, applicants should be Indian citizens aged between 16 and 26 years.
  • They should have an excellent academic record, parents with a stable income source, and either a guarantor or security.

Documents Required For Tata Capital Education Loan

The required documents include –

  • photo identity proof
  • marksheets
  • transcripts
  • admission letter
  • income proof
  • salary slips
  • property documents
  • other essential documents issued by the educational institution.

Rates & Charges: Tata Capital Education Loan

  1. Processing Fee: A one-time non-refundable fee charged by the lender for processing the loan application. It is typically a percentage of the loan amount. Tata Capital charges up to 2.75% of the loan amount plus GST as the processing fee.

  2. Penal Interest/Additional Interest: Penal interest is charged on delayed monthly instalments. If a borrower fails to make the required payment on time, a penal interest rate is applied to the overdue amount. Tata Capital charges 3% on the overdue amount per month plus GST as penal interest.

  3. Bounce Charges: If a cheque issued by the borrower bounces due to insufficient funds or any other reason, Tata Capital levies a bounce charge. The charge for each bounced cheque is INR 600 plus GST.

  4. Mandate Rejection Service Charge: If the borrower’s bank rejects the loan repayment mandate, Tata Capital applies a service charge. This charge is INR 450 plus GST.

  5. CCOD Annual Maintenance Charges: CCOD (Cash Credit Overdraft) is a facility that allows borrowers to withdraw funds up to a specified limit. Tata Capital imposes an annual maintenance charge of 0.25% of the dropline amount plus GST or INR 1000, whichever is higher. This charge is deducted from the limit and needs to be paid in the 13th month.

  6. Outstation Collection Charges: In case the borrower makes loan repayments from an outstation location, Tata Capital applies an outstation collection charge. This charge is INR 100 plus GST per repayment tenure.

  7. Statement of Accounts: While obtaining a statement of accounts, Tata Capital provides different options. For a soft copy of the statement, there is no charge. However, if the borrower requests a statement through a branch walk-in, there is a charge of INR 250 plus GST.

  8. Duplicate Repayment Schedule: In case the borrower requires a duplicate copy of the repayment schedule, Tata Capital offers the option of obtaining it in a soft copy or through a branch walk-in. While a soft copy is provided at no charge, a duplicate repayment schedule obtained through a branch walk-in incurs a charge of INR 550 plus GST.

  9. Duplicate NOC (No Objection Certificate): If the borrower needs a duplicate copy of the NOC after the loan is repaid, Tata Capital levies a charge of INR 550 plus GST.

  10. Post-Dated Cheque Charges: If the borrower provides post-dated cheques as a repayment method, Tata Capital charges INR 850 plus GST.

Emi Options for tata capital Education Loan

Standard EMI Plan: The Standard EMI Plan is a conventional repayment option where the EMI amount remains the same throughout the loan tenure. It is suitable for borrowers with a consistent income. Under this plan:

  • Both the principal amount and interest are paid consistently over the defined period.
  • The EMI amount remains unchanged, providing predictability and ease of budgeting.
  • The borrower pays off the loan gradually, with a fixed amount deducted from their account each month.
  • This plan is ideal for borrowers who prefer stability and want to make regular, equal payments towards their education loan.

Step-Up Flexi EMI Plan: The Step-Up Flexi EMI Plan offers the flexibility to start with lower EMIs at the beginning of the loan tenure and gradually increase the EMI amount over time. This option is beneficial for borrowers who expect their income to rise steadily in the future. Key features of this plan include:

  • Lower initial EMIs allow borrowers to manage their finances during the initial years of loan repayment.
  • As the borrower’s income increases over time, the EMI amount is revised upwards to accommodate higher repayment capacity.
  • This plan offers greater financial flexibility and allows borrowers to adjust their repayment schedule according to their income growth.

Step-Down Flexi EMI Plan: The Step-Down Flexi EMI Plan is the reverse of the Step-Up Flexi EMI Plan. It offers the flexibility to start with higher EMIs at the beginning of the loan tenure and gradually decrease the EMI amount over time. This option is suitable for borrowers who anticipate a reduction in income or want to allocate more funds towards other financial goals initially. Key features of this plan include:

  • Higher initial EMIs help borrowers pay off a significant portion of the loan amount in the earlier stages of repayment.
  • As time progresses, the EMI amount decreases, providing relief to borrowers with reduced financial commitments.
  • This plan is ideal for borrowers who have a higher disposable income at the beginning and wish to gradually reduce their repayment burden over the loan tenure.

The choice of EMI option depends on the borrower’s financial circumstances, income projections, and repayment preferences. It’s advisable to assess personal financial goals and consult with Tata Capital to select the most suitable EMI plan for the education loan.


Calculate your Tata Capital Education Loan EMI:

Utilize the EMI calculator provided by Tata Capital to determine the monthly installment amount based on loan amount, interest rate, and tenure. This allows borrowers to plan their finances accordingly. you can Also use Our Emi calculator

Courses Covered Under Tata Capital Education Loan

  • The loan is applicable to a wide range of courses, including degree/post-graduate/diploma programs from accredited universities, professional and technical courses, management courses, PhD programs, and more.
  • Courses Available in India: Explore the diverse courses available within India, ranging from graduate to postgraduate degrees, as well as specialized programs offered by reputed universities.
  • Courses Provided Outside of India: Discover the opportunities for studying abroad, including certified degree programs from institutes like London, CPA, CIMA, USA, and other reputable international universities.

Expenses covered by Tata Capital Education Loan:

  1. Examination Fee: The loan covers the expenses related to examination fees for various tests, assessments, and examinations required as part of the educational program.

  2. Tuition Fee: The loan covers the cost of tuition fees charged by the educational institution for the chosen course or program. This includes fees for lectures, tutorials, practical sessions, and other academic activities.

  3. Hostel Fee: The loan can be utilized to cover the expenses associated with accommodation and living in a hostel or dormitory. This includes charges for room rent, mess charges, and other related hostel facilities.

  4. Library/Laboratory Fee: The loan covers charges related to accessing library resources, laboratory usage, and other facilities provided by the educational institution for academic purposes.

  5. Book, Equipment, Instrument, or Uniform Costs: The loan can be used to cover the expenses of purchasing books, study materials, laboratory equipment, instruments, and required uniforms or dress code prescribed by the educational institution.

  6. Miscellaneous Expenses: The loan covers various miscellaneous expenses that are essential for academic and personal development. These may include expenses related to study tours, field trips, project work, thesis preparation, research materials, and other academic-related activities.

  7. Computer or Laptop: If a computer or laptop is necessary for the academic program, the loan can cover the cost of purchasing a computer system at a reasonable price. This ensures that students have access to the required technological resources for their educational needs.

Application Process for Tata Capital Education Loan

  1. Online Application: Begin the application process by visiting the official website of Tata Capital. Look for the specific section dedicated to education loans. Fill out the online application form, providing accurate and complete information. The form typically requires details such as personal information, contact information, educational background, desired loan amount, and preferred repayment tenure.

  2. Document Submission: After submitting the online application, you will be required to submit the necessary documents to support your loan application. The required documents may include:

    • Photo Identity Proof: Valid identification documents such as Aadhaar card, PAN card, passport, or driving license.
    • Educational Documents: Marksheets, transcripts, and certificates verifying your academic qualifications.
    • Admission Letter: A copy of the admission letter or offer letter from the educational institution where you have secured admission.
    • Income Proof: Documents demonstrating the income source of your parents or guardians, such as salary slips, income tax returns, or business income proofs.
    • Property Documents: In some cases, property documents may be required as collateral or security for the loan.
    • Other Essential Documents: Additional documents specified by Tata Capital or the educational institution, such as documents related to study tours, project work, thesis, or any other specific requirements.
  3. Verification Process: Once you have submitted the required documents, Tata Capital will initiate the verification process. This involves validating the authenticity and accuracy of the submitted documents, as well as assessing your eligibility for the loan. During this stage, the lender may contact you for any additional information or clarification.

  4. Loan Approval: After successful verification, Tata Capital will review your application and documents. If everything is in order and you meet the eligibility criteria, your loan application will be approved. You will be notified of the loan approval, and the terms and conditions of the loan will be communicated to you.

  5. Loan Disbursement: Upon loan approval, the agreed-upon loan amount will be disbursed to your bank account. Tata Capital will provide the necessary instructions and guidance for the disbursement process. Ensure that you have provided accurate and updated bank account details for a smooth and efficient transfer.

It’s important to note that the application process may vary slightly based on individual circumstances and loan requirements. However, the above steps provide a general overview of the application process for Tata Capital Education Loan. Remember to keep all documents handy and provide accurate information to expedite the process and increase the chances of loan approval.

Faq's Relating to Tata Capital Education Loan

  • What is Tata Capital Education Loan?

    Tata Capital Education Loan is a financial product offered by Tata Capital Finance Limited to support students in pursuing higher education in India or abroad. It provides funding for various educational expenses, including tuition fees, accommodation, books, and more.

  • Who is eligible to apply for a Tata Capital Education Loan?

    To be eligible for a Tata Capital Education Loan, you need to be an Indian citizen, aged between 16 and 35 years, with a good academic record. Your parents or guardians should have a stable income source, and you may need to provide a guarantor or collateral.

  • What expenses are covered by Tata Capital Education Loan?

    Tata Capital Education Loan covers various expenses such as tuition fees, examination fees, hostel fees, library fees, book costs, equipment expenses, study tours, project work, and other miscellaneous expenses deemed necessary for the educational program.

  • What is the maximum loan amount that can be availed through Tata Capital Education Loan?

    The maximum loan amount approved for studying domestically is typically up to INR 15 lakhs, while for studying abroad, it can go up to INR 30 lakhs. However, the loan amount may vary based on factors such as the course, institution, repayment capacity, and eligibility criteria.

  • What is the interest rate charged on Tata Capital Education Loan?

    The interest rate for Tata Capital Education Loan starts at 10.99% and may vary based on factors such as the loan amount, tenure, and borrower's profile. It's advisable to check the prevailing interest rates at the time of applying.

  • How can I apply for a Tata Capital Education Loan?

    You can apply for a Tata Capital Education Loan through their official website or by visiting the nearest Tata Capital branch. Fill out the application form, submit the required documents, and follow the application process as guided by the lender.

  • How long does it take to get the loan approved and disbursed?

    The time taken for loan approval and disbursal can vary depending on factors such as document verification, credit evaluation, and loan processing procedures. Typically, it takes a few days to a few weeks to complete the process, subject to the completeness and

  • What is the repayment tenure for Tata Capital Education Loan?

    Tata Capital offers flexible repayment tenures ranging from 12 to 84 months (1 to 7 years), allowing borrowers to choose a repayment period that suits their financial situation and capacity to repay the loan.

  • Can I prepay or foreclose my Tata Capital Education Loan?

    Yes, Tata Capital allows borrowers to prepay or foreclose their education loan. However, certain terms and conditions may apply, including prepayment charges. It is advisable to check the specific conditions related to prepayment or foreclosure at the time of availing the loan.

  • Can I apply for a Tata Capital Education Loan without a co-applicant or guarantor?

    In some cases, Tata Capital may require a co-applicant or guarantor, especially for higher loan amounts or specific situations. The need for a co-applicant or guarantor depends on factors such as the borrower's profile, course, loan amount, and collateral requirements. It is best to check with Tata Capital regarding the specific requirements for your loan application.

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